Rescuing boys from life on the street
Providing them food, clothing and shelter
What we do
Applying the spiritual, physical and financial resources of Americans to help Filipinos in need.
Embracing “I CAN HELP”
At AmericanHelper, we believe Americans have been blessed with freedoms and opportunities to succeed that places us in a position to share our wealth and skills with those less fortunate. By combining our resources and passion, we are able to help the poor by teaching hope through faith, meeting basic needs, receiving an education and attaining meaningful work.
Turning the Page
At AmericanHelper, we believe that a transformation begins with a personal relationship in Jesus Christ. Through our programs, we bring a four-fold message of acknowledging sin in our lives, repentance of our sins, forgiveness of our sins and restoration to a new life in Jesus Christ. Through this transformation, a person can have hope.
Partners in Action
AmericanHelper partners with local organizations that are committed to helping those living in poverty. The Childrens Garden of the Philippines rescues boys living on the street by providing them food, clothing and shelter – as well as a grounding in Christian faith. When broken family relations exist, Children’s Garden staff work with the youth and their parents to reconcile their differences.
Sustainability is Success
The young men in the Children’s Garden Aftercare program are in transition towards independent living, learning skills so they can be gainfully employed.We run organizations where we employ youngsters so they can live their dreams for themselves and their families.
Numbers that speak
The actual number of children living on the streets of the Philippines is difficult to determine due to poor record keeping. Some street children have homes to return to while others make their home there. Others are abandoned.
Regardless, street children are more likely to live in poverty, be deprived of access to education and other social services, and experience social discrimination. They are also less likely to have of access to justice or legal status.
Street children in the Philippines
Live on the street
Work on the street
Are Abandoned
Our Partners
AmericanHelper partners with local organizations in the Philippines that are committed to helping those living in poverty. The Children’s Garden of the Philippines rescues boys living on the street by providing them food, clothing and shelter – as well as a grounding in Christian faith. When broken family relations exist, Children’s Garden staff work with the youth and their parents to reconcile their differences.